BGCM EC May 2017



Where your employment with the GFTU has included part-time employment, your benefits will be calculated in order to provide you with benefits which reflect your periods of full and part-time membership, as follows.

Changing from full-time work to part-time work

If you have full-time Pensionable Service and then become a part-time employee, and leave whilst in part-time Pensionable Service, your benefits will be calculated as follows:

 Your Pensionable Pay will be converted into the full-time equivalent using the following formula:

Full-time hours (as determined by the GFTU) x

actual basic salary

Part-time hours actually worked

 Your Pensionable Service whilst in part-time employment will also be adjusted to the full-time equivalent using the following formula:

Years of part-time service


Part-time hours Full-time hours

Your total pension will then be calculated by reference to the adjusted Pensionable Pay above (which will be used to calculate your Final Pensionable Pay) and the sum of your full-time Pensionable Service and the adjusted part-time Pensionable Service described above.

If your part-time hours fluctuate, each period during which you worked a particular number of hours will be calculated separately.

Changing from part-time work to full-time work

If you have periods of part-time Pensionable Service and leave whilst in full-time Pensionable Service your benefits will be calculated as follows:

 Your Pensionable Service for the period you were in part-time employment will be adjusted in the same way as in the example above. Your Pensionable Pay and Final Pensionable Pay will not be adjusted.

 Your full-time and adjusted part-time Pensionable Service will be added together and used to calculate your total pension.


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