BGCM EC May 2017

Data protection

The Trustees and the GFTU have a legal obligation and a legitimate interest to process data relating to you for the purpose of administering and operating the Scheme, and paying benefits under it. Under the Data Protection Act 1998, they are “data controllers” and they are obliged to observe the data protection principles laid down by the Information Commissioner’s Office.

Where necessary, information about you may be passed on for the administration and operation of the Scheme to any of the Scheme's advisers.

Changing your address

If you change your address it is very important that you let the Trustees know. This is particularly important if you leave the GFTU's employment before retirement. If the Trustees do not know how to contact you, they will not be able to pay your benefits.

Surrendering or assigning your benefits

The law applies restrictions to the way in which you can deal with your benefits. You cannot promise to pay them to anyone else, you cannot surrender them and you cannot attempt to use them as a security for a loan. If you try to do any of these things your benefits will become forfeit, in which case the Trustees can choose to pay them to another member of your family. Likewise, if you become bankrupt, your benefits will become forfeit and will not be transferred to your trustee in bankruptcy. Instead, the Trustees can choose to pay them to another member of your family.

Causing a loss to the GFTU or to the Scheme

If you cause a financial loss to the GFTU or to the Scheme due to fraud or a criminal act, the Trustees may decide to reduce your benefits to take account of the financial loss suffered.

The Trustees' discretion is subject to certain restrictions set out in legislation and the Scheme rules, and if you dispute that any loss has been suffered or its amount then you should tell the Trustees.

Problems and grievances

The Trustees will always do their best to resolve any problems or complaints concerning the Scheme and will act impartially. If you have a complaint relating to the operation of the Scheme, you should follow the Scheme's internal dispute resolution procedure in the first instance. You should write to the Scheme Administrator at the address above, and he or she will refer it to the Trustees for consideration.


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