BGCM EC May 2017
The qualified person appointed to conduct the valuation of the Scheme every three years, and to advise on some of the factors used by the Trustees when calculating benefits. S2P is a Government pension scheme, funded by National Insurance Contributions, providing income related benefits (within certain limits) in addition to the Basic State Pension. It was previously known as the State Earnings Related Pension Scheme (SERPS). The formal documents that set out definitively how the Scheme operates.
Scheme Actuary
State Second Pension (S2P)
Trust Deed and Rules
The people appointed by the GFTU to administer the Scheme in accordance with the Trust Deed and Rules.
The rules require the appointment of six trustees, and also require three of them to be selected by the members of the Scheme.
If you would like to know who the Trustees are, or if you are interested in being nominated as a Trustee, you should write to the Scheme Administrator at the address given in Section 17.
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