Voice the Union for Education Professionals (1)
Disability hate crime.
That this Biennial General Council Meeting notes with concern the prevalence and growth of disability hate crime. Council acknowledges the good work which has already been undertaken by GFTU affiliates, and others, in this area, but affirms that more can be done; not least in terms of education, rooting-out those ideas and attitudes that have led to irrational prejudice or hatred because of how someone looks, the beliefs you have, or the way you live. Instead this Council seeks to celebrate our unique and equal value in diversity.
Therefore, this BGCM requests that the Executive Committee:
a) prepares an activist tool-kit, to help union representatives to challenge this particular expression of prejudice b) prepare resources for circulation among affiliates working especially in the education sector
c) share good practice among affiliates with a history of campaigning in this area
d) lobby politicians with the need for effective and wide-ranging legislation
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