BFAWU - Bakers, Food and Allied Workers Union
Climate Change.
This conference notes the irrefutable evidence that dangerous climate change is driving unprecedented changes to our environment such as the devastating flooding witnessed in the UK in 2004. The GFTU further notes the risk to meeting the challenge of climate change with the likes of Donald Trump withdrawing the US from the Paris Climate Agreement. Similarly, Brexit negotiations and incoherent UK government policy risk undermining measures to achieve the UK carbon reduction targets. The GFTU welcomes the report by the Transnational Institute Reclaiming Public Services: how cities and citizens are turning back privatization, which details the global trend to re-municipalise public services including energy. The GFTU believes that to combat climate change effectively and move towards a low-carbon economy we cannot leave this to the markets and therefore need a strong role for the public sector in driving the measures needed to undertake this transition.
To this end, this BGCM calls on the GFTU to:
1. work with the Labour Party and others that advocate for an end to the UK’s rigged energy system to bring it back into public ownership and democratic control
2. advocate for a mass programme of retrofit and insulation of Britain’s homes and public buildings
3. lobby to demand rights for workplace environmental reps
4. establish and provide a training programme for environmental reps
5. Lobby for the establishment of a Just Transition strategy and practical steps needed to achieve this as integral to industrial strategy.
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