BGCM Motions 2019


TSSA (2) - Transport Salaries Staff’ Association


That this Conference believes the trade union movement can and should do more to help our sisters who are going through the menopause. In Sept 2017, over 70% of all UK workers were women, all of whom will experience the menopause. Some of the symptoms associated with the menopause include hot flushes, palpitations, night sweats and sleep disturbance, fatigue, poor concentration, irritability, mood disturbance, skin irritation and dryness. For most women this happens between the ages of 45 and 55 although a minority experience these symptoms in their early thirties. These hormonal changes and symptoms can last from four to eight years. Conference recognises that many of our sisters work in safety critical roles yet rarely do employers take this into consideration, nor do they have a menopause policy. Conference therefore agrees to drive a programme through our affiliates to deliver menopause policies that will benefit all women workers whilst engaging employers in facing up to their responsibilities.

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