EC Meeting July 2022

EC Minutes 11 th May 2022

4. Welcome to new affiliate Equal Justice The Union.

Marcia Lawrence – Russell gave thanks for accepting the affiliation and was very pleased to become part of the federation to help and support each other.

‘Equal Justice The Union’ is the correct full name of the new small union which currently has just over 200 members and represents discrimination group covered under the Equality ACT 2010. (Age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief and sex). The union formally started July 2019 and members were slowing rising. The union were all home based workers however an office space was available for meetings if necessary. Marcia Lawrence - Russell offered her assistance and support to other unions if needed on any particular cases.

EC members warmly welcomed the union to the federation.

5. Urgent Industrial Issues from Affiliates seeking support.

Juliet Lyons (PCU) reported that member engagement was proving difficult and getting members into leadership roles. No new members has joined their EC this year. They were currently in the process of organising into regional groups to hopefully help with this. The current conversion therapy bill going through parliament was looking like the ban would be successful which the union fully supported however this ban did not include trans which they were pushing to be included. There were also a number of training difficulties for members and a support group was also currently being set up. Steven McGurk (Community) reported that the obvious campaigns within the steel industry continued as usual. There was a major issue yesterday that could potentially put a lot of jobs at risk however further details were currently being awaited on this before details could be reported on. John McGowan (SWU) reported that media reports on child deaths continued to put pressure on the social worker profession. Press regulators were currently involved. Membership numbers continued to rise however the battle of recognition continued. There was a continued lack of support and funding for authorities within the social work profession.

Claire Jones (SUE) welcomed the new affiliate, Marcia Russell Lawrence to the federation. There were no major issues within SUE to raise today.

Helen Osgood (VOICE) reported on the continued issues with pay for England and wales school teachers. 10% preparation time should be included however due to increased workloads and increased stress levels it was felt 20% was needed. The union would continue to push the charter that was currently in place to assist members who were unaware of its existence. Experienced teachers were not being offered any reward despite the extra preparation time and stress due to workloads and the extra pressure for them mentoring new teachers.


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