EC Meeting March 2017
in unions. The GFTU, jointly with its affiliates, needs to develop a strategy to help nurture trade union growth among these workers.
(3) The BGCM therefore believes that the GFTU could play an essential role in supporting affiliates in their attempts to build a stronger movement through freeing resources that are often duplicated. This should involve looking at the potential to:
Pool and share resources including looking at the possibility of building a multi-union HQ and also sharing office space throughout Britain and Ireland; Negotiating shared services and facilities between affiliates, the GFTU and third parties to create economies of scale and other savings that individual unions' could not otherwise deliver on their own; Develop a strategy that helps generate new income for both the GFTU and its affiliates; Develop a plan which delivers membership growth among affiliates and also looks to deliver a strategy to nurture trade union growth among unorganised sectors of our economy. Signpost affiliates to companies and service providers who are unionised and offering value for money and quality to trade union clients. The BGCM believes that the combined purchasing power for GFTU affiliates and the development of customised, but shared benefits and services could play a significant role in maintaining the strength of small and specialist trade unions and reaching out to new recruitment areas. Produce a discussion paper for affiliates and potential new affiliates on where shared facilities, services and fund raising schemes could be considered and to consider some of the best practice and arrangements that unions have made that could be extended and shared; Organise a working Conference as soon as practical and ideally within2015 to consider proposals of benefit for affiliates including where best we can reach out to new membership growth areas; Continue its good work to encourage mutual working and sharing of facilities and services between affiliates.
The BGCM calls upon the Executive to:
The TUC campaign document was circulated at the BGCM 2015.
Resolution 16
The new GFTU/New Internationalist publishing house is publishing a book of songs in its first tranche of publications which focus greatly on this subject and the need for integration and solidarity.
Attack on Migrant Workers
(1) This Conference condemns the right wing media frenzy designed to whip up fear about an influx of immigration, especially in the light of relaxation of labour market controls on migrant citizens from Romania and Bulgaria to other EU member states from 1st January 2014. Although these claims of mass migration to UK were always exaggerated, In the first 3 months of 2014 the amount of Romanians and Bulgarians employed in Britain fell by 4000 to 140000 people. Despire this the pattern of right wing propaganda designed to divert the British electorate from the real causes of the economic crisis has continued to place the blame on immigrants, benefit scroungers etc. The only real beneficiaries from this are UKIP and the far right racist parties like the EDL. (2) This Conference condemns the Coalition Government for capitalising on this fear with new rafts of legislation aimed to make life even worse for migrants to theUK e.g. stop migrants from claiming benefits in the first three months of living in the UK with the prospect of unemployed migrants being permanently denied housing benefits. These measures have been set up in what the government have described as targeting those who will attempt to exploit the benefits system.
(3) This is yet another unjust measure taken against migrants in an attempt to scare people from coming to the UK and making us seem like an unwelcoming country.
(4) In this highly charged atmosphere of racism and anti-immigration hysteria it is appalling that the government is deliberately misinforming the country regarding migrants. A YouGov survey from 2013 showed that most people thought that 500,000 immigrants were coming into the UK and claiming benefits. In reality,
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