EC Meeting March 2017
Childcare If your household income is less than £30,994 we may be able to provide support with childcare costs with a registered childminder whilst you attend the course. Please ring 01865 759798 for more information.
Summer School of Music 21-27 August 2017
their time to the Summer School simply for satisfaction of seeing people improve and blossom in their own kind of music. It’s also an opportunity for you to get out of your musical ‘comfort zone’ and try something different. Many of our past students first attended the summer school for one course but are now involved in 4 or 5 of the different courses available. Ingestre Hall is in Staffordshire about 6 miles from Stafford in beautiful countryside. It is owned by Sandwell Authority and has been refurbished as a residential centre for Performing Arts. So you have it all. A week in rural Staffordshire, supportive and experienced tutors, a purpose built centre, comfortable accommodation and an opportunity to spend a week with others who love music. You can indulge yourself in your own style of music or try something. It’s all there for you.
Higher Education Tuition Fees 2016/107
1 week
Full Time Part Time
WORKERS’ PLAYTIME.. . Remember the radio programme? Since the 1940s the WMA has organised a summer school for working people to enjoy a week of music. Do you enjoy music in your spare time? Nearly everyone listens to music to relax but there are many people, who play an instrument or sing, to relax, spend time with others, and forget about the day to day demands of work. As amateur musicians and/or singers we all wish we could improve how we play and sing and get more confidence to perform for others. If you can spare a week in August to indulge your musical interests have a look at our website: www.wmasummerschoolofmusic. You’ll find courses on Jazz, Folk, Chamber music, Opera, Composition, Orchestra, Brass as well as solo and choral singing. Details of music to be studied will be on the website shortly. All of our tutors have a labour movement background and give
Access to HE Programmes
Certificate of Higher Education SPS
4 4 4 4 4 4 4
£9,000 £9,000 £9,000 £9,000 £9,000 £9,000 £9,000
£4,500 £4,500 £4,500 £4,500 £6,750 £6,750 £6,750
Writing for Performance
B.A. Degree Social Work
Community Development & Youth Work International Labour and Trade Union Studies
Foundation Degree Writing for Performance
MA Programmes Global Labour Social Change
Look at the website; and ask your trade union about the WMA. Over the years we have had people who have been sponsored by their TU. You can download an application form from the website or contact:
Contact Us
Ruskin College Ruskin Hall Dunstan Road Oxford OX3 9BZ 01865 759600
/RuskinCollegeOxford @RuskinOxford RuskinCollegeOxford
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