EC Meeting March 2017

 Fund an arts and cultural worker. A producer for our arts and cultural festival has been appointed.

 Assist successful publication of New Internationalist on trade unions. A very successful edition was produced on trade unions.

 Introduce a new extensive face to face and online education curriculum. This has been achieved our biggest and most extensive programme has been launched.

 Build on partnerships with academics and institutions and partners. Great successes have been achieved and these are reported on in the Education Trust report.  Hold successful meetings with union specialist officers for finance, IT, education, etc and sustain the General Secretary’s group. Future dates planned and successful meetings held.

 Build the trade union education forum as the forum for discussion between educators. From February onwards. Very successful meetings held.

 Create a new online ethical shop through New Internationalist – launch TUC. Launched September 2016.

 Create a new international trade union publishing house imprint through New Internationalist. To be launched September 2017, titles agreed, databasing internationally for promotional work agreed.

 Find long term sustainable future for the Pensions Trust. An improved position has taken us a long way in this direction.

 Raise GFTU’s profile. Wider press coverage has been achieved, a strenuous marketing strategy for the hotel and GFTU and education programme are in place and our TUC presence amongst unions has been noted.  Make a considered, quality contribution to the EU referendum debate. Three seminars were organised with Keele University representing all shades of opinion.

 Establish GFTU Credit Union. This has not yet been achieved.

 Review BGCM policy implementation. Throughout. See report on implementation.

 Extend GFTU services and open new income streams. This has been achieved.

 Progress commitment to training health and safety trainers in Vietnamese trade unions. Significant progress made.


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