EC Meeting March 2017
GFTU EC Minutes January 2017.
Bro. Nicholls reported that business had been steady over Christmas and New Year. Bro. Nicholls reported the financial structure of the hotel and that the hotel is owned by the charity. Bro. Nicholls asked unions to particularly use hotel over Jan Feb and March the quieter months. 30 Unions used the hotel last year.
Bro. Nicholls reported a part time sales person would be appointed for hotel.
Bro. Nicholls reported that the nursery was now a separate company.
New Build
Bro. Nicholls reported that planning permission had not been granted as expected on 12 th January 2017. Bro. Nicholls discussed the difficulties with planning permission officers and confirmed he had written to the architects. Bro. Nicholls discussed investment potential and reported that letters had been sent to unions to register their interests in potentially investing and declaring their level of finance and interest.
New GFTU Legal Services for affiliates
Bro. Nicholls reported that a written proposal had been received from Morrish’s Solicitors.
Bro. Nicholls would bring full details to March’s EC meeting.
Potential London Centre
Ethical shop
Bro. Nicholls reported that sales were slow as predicted and discussed more promotion within unions throughout the year ready for Christmas 2017.
Lighthouse Financial Services
Bro. Nicholls reported that he had met with Lighthouse Financial Services who would work with any affiliates. Commission made is paid to the Educational Trust.
Publishing venture
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