EC Meeting March 2017
C Encourage trade unions to modernise traditional structures and models to ensure that members that are not based in workplaces can participate fully in union activities
Motion 3
Representatives, Training
1 The GFTU plays a critical role in helping small unions train representatives. The formation of a training co-ordinators network to help shape, develop and test the representative training programme is welcomed as positive and should be encouraged and supported. 2 This BCGM thinks that there is scope for the GFTU to broaden it's impact by using this network to identify best practice and sharing best practice in training for union activists where the focus is on softer skills, vital to successful union organizing, but not traditionally central to representative training - such as active listening, overcoming deficit thinking through positive communication, and writing effective campaigning materials. 3 Similarly the GFTU should promote identifying common recruitment and organising challenges and support active learning around best practice and overcoming these challenges. For example, managers are critical union gatekeepers across the public sector but some unions, such as Napo have seen a significant reduction of membership in managerial roles and could learn from unions who have retained strong managerial membership levels.
This BCGM calls upon the GFTU to:
A- identify examples of best practice and such opportunities for such sharing
B- use the training co-ordinators network to support this activity
C- identify champions, who can be supported to lead on progressing identified themes
D- use the GFTU'S network to access academics, specialists and experts in other fields to support developing the highest quality of training and practice in these critical skills.
Motion 4
Promoting efficiencies & greater inter-union co-operation
1 The GFTU provides a safe space for union leaders to come together, share challenges, and celebrate successes. However, all GFTU affiliates will be aiming to stretch resources so they have the maximum impact for members and this BCGM believes that the GFTU is not fulfilling it's potential as a broker for finding shared solutions to common resourcing challenges amongst affiliates. 2 By definition affiliates are small so capacity to find solutions to internal operational challenges is difficult - in terms of time, expertise and cost. For example, Napo would like to have cutting edge integrated ICT platforms that could make our membership, finance and communications more efficient and effective with a direct benefit for supporting activists,
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