EC Meeting May 2018
point for people’s history material created by other organisations and institutions. The People’s History Hub is targeted as an educational resource for the 14 - 24 age group but as it is a free, open, online resource, it will be available to all UK citizens and indeed many millions across the globe. A representation of the history of progressive ideas for the digital era has never been more needed. Never have young people been asking so many questions and needing so many answers. Since the 2008 financial crash the Neoliberal 'end of history' era has itself come to a crashing end. Trump, Brexit, Sanders, Corbyn, Le Penn, Syrizia, Podemos, Momentum... the democratic political world is once more alive with possibility and equally fraught with dangers. History makes clear how recent and how fragile the concepts of economic and social justice really are. The aim of The People’s History Hub is to create the ‘go to’ online resource for this largely hidden aspect of the UK’s history. We believe that in order to do this we need to create a ‘critical mass’ of videos, webpages and digital resources that cover as many of the key people and events in this history as possible. We have initially identified over 200 potential subjects for the People’s History Hub but the truth is there is an almost unlimited treasure trove of thousands of rarely told stories that we could cover. The only limit to the size and scope of the People’s History Hub is our capacity to research, write and produce the digital content. Unfortunately producing high-quality digital resources such as video, graphics, images and text, is time-consuming and expensive. Subjects have to be researched, images and footage gathered and licensed, text and scripts written, videos shot & edited, voice-overs recorded, websites designed and built. Then all these digital assets have to be uploaded to the web and managed on an on-going basis. Realistically, with the financial resources likely to be available to us we feel that Public Domain Arts & Media CIC could produce and publish roughly 40 subject-pages in the first three years of the project. This could potentially be more but it is difficult to predict the complexity of research, script-writing, rights acquisition and video production. It is not impossible that we could create as many as 2 subject-pages a month but this cannot be guaranteed. Thus we are guaranteeing to produce 12 subject-pages in year one, and 14 each year in years two and three, giving us a total of at least 40 subject-pages by the end of the first three years of the project.
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