EC Meeting Papers January 2018

Libya, Syria, and the Kurds. I was proud to represent my union in opposing the Iraq war and intervention in Syria. In a world in which the forces of reaction have fostered divisions and superstitions amongst the people – white against black, Catholic against Protestant, man against woman, adults against children, Suffi against Sunni, Jew against Arab - we need to treasure and brighten any source of light which recognises that a common humanity living in harmony, solidarity and peace, sharing resources, enabling all voices to be valued, controlling society from the community and workplace. Ocalan and the Kurdish people seeking new solutions as in Rojava, and hold the key to a world peace which the imperialists and their arms industry so hate. Ocalan and the Kurds are therefore particularly important lights at this moment in history. We must help them shine more brightly. A world recognition that this will happen best with Ocalan’s immediate release to lead new peace talks is needed. The imperialists and their fundamentalist foot soldiers have sought to turn the areas of the world that were the real cradle of civilisation into ashes. Beauty and civilisation will once again arise from the ashes, democracy and Kurdish solidarity are essential to this.

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