EC Meeting Papers January 2018
It is likely that the cost of a full year of delivery of this curriculum in schools will cost £2,000, which is good value, but I await further details. I have asked the Education Officer to keep a watching brief on this work and the Operations Manager will review the curriculum materials.
Scrapping anti Union Laws.
The GFTU Is supporting the Institute of Employment Rights work to see the adoption of a new manifesto for labour law and scrapping the anti union laws.
Anti Austerity Campaign BASW/SWU.
I addressed the conference of this campaign in Manchester and our sponsorship will enable a new campaign pack to be disseminated to affiliates.
Other Issues
The real economy
I attach an article I wrote recently on the real economy.
I also attach what I considered to be two excellent articles, one by Larry Elliott, the other by Adjita Chakrabaty.
Workable Books.
Our first two publications are out there. I hope affiliates will promote them.
We are discussing the next publications and I have been working with Sean Wilson and Robert Brown on a graphic novel on the history of our movement.
I will be speaking at the Mary Quaile Club in May on our book on trade union related plays.
Ruskin College.
I am Vice Chair of Ruskin College. This has been a busy period with several difficulties to discuss with the senior management, but progress and a stronger financial position has been achieved. I am keen to see a constitutional and structural review at Ruskin. We are working with Ruskin to develop a trade union officials’ apprenticeship. Ruskin has also been awarded funding to support apprenticeships in other occupations that may be of interest to unions.
Northern College.
Our courses at Northern continue to be successful.
Northern has been awarded some government funding for training that may be of benefit to unions. I will report at the meeting.
Jack Gould Tribute
I was Secretary of the Coventry Trade Union Council 1984-1994. The former Treasurer of the Trades Council, Jack Gould, a lifelong activist in the Engineering union, recently passed away and I was asked to do the tribute to him. This was filmed and will be published.
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