EC Meeting Papers January 2018
EC Minutes November 2017
EC Members agreed.
6. Budgets 2018
8.1 Bro. Smith reported how the Hotel and Nursery Directors work and budgets are approved.
EC Members approved budgets.
Issues from Affiliates.
7.1 EC members raised issues that they and their unions were currently facing.
7.2 Bro. Lawrence reported on probation service and the major Panorama exposure highlighted the appalling situation following privatisation.
7.3 Bro. Lawrence reported how providers were failing and welcomed Jeremy Corbyn’s pledge to put the probation service back into public ownership.
7.4 Bro. Draper reported on the current signing with Warburton’s of a ground breaking agreement.
7.5 Bro. Draper reported on the current dispute with USDAW and TUC dispute committee.
7.6 Sis. Woolley reported on the ongoing McDonalds strike and confirmed that a two year strategy and planning meeting had taken place. There was now a two year plan in place and the possibility of further strikes to campaign for young workers would take place in the future. 7.7 Bro. McGowan reported on the Social Workers campaign and there would be a meeting in the Lords next month. Bro. McGowan reported on the Anti Austerity group launch taking place November 30 th in Manchester.
7.8 Bro. Nicholls reported that the Social Workers Union had increased their membership by 50% during 2017.
Sis. Radcliffe reported on issues faced within the music industry.
7.10 Bro. Darken reported on internal disputes at TUC.Violence in prisons, event 5 th December. Panorama undercover investigations
7.11 Sis. Bond reported on the successful agreement with freelance members after 5/6 years of negotiations. Sis. Bond reported on the media campaign and Prospect’s involvement with Brexit. 7.12 Bro. Elliott reported on the changes with Nautilus International over the next 12 months. Croatia 17,000 more members and the development of a genuinely international union.
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