EC Meeting Papers January 2018
EC Minutes November 2017
Bro. Williams’s stated the Arts play an important role within the Trade Union movement and the importance of history
General Secretary’s report was discussed and approved by EC members.
13. Any other Business.
13.1 Bro. Linn reported that that training for reps dates had been given.
13.2 Bro. Linn discussed the GDPR Shared Services possibility.
13.3 Bro. Linn reported that the homeless campaign ‘sleep out’ was taking place 9 th December.
EC agreed to contribute £500 from the campaign fund.
13.4 Bro. Mcgowan reported on the anti-austerity campaign and offered to share the campaign pack to affiliates.
EC agreed to also contribute £500 from the campaign fund.
13.5 Bro. Smith discussed the possibilities of an International Study Visit for EC members and partners. Potential destinations included Hollywood, America and Poland.
EC members agreed for discussions to continue in 2019
The meeting closed 5.30pm
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