EC Meeting Papers January 2019
15 The future GFTU deserves the very best person for the job. Political elections do not necessarily guarantee this and by nature of the small specialist character of our affiliates not all of them provide potential candidates with the depth and extent of experience and expertise required now in this role. 16 The GFTU could change its rules so that the EC makes an appointment with no election through an open recruitment and selection process with essential and desirable criteria including 5 years active membership of a bona fide trade union. 17 The GFTU could change its rules so that the EC makes a recommendation of two or three candidates following a recruitment and selection process for hustings at the BGCM. 18 I would favour the former option bearing in mind that now all affiliates are entitled to a place on the EC. This process would have to be very rigorous as in effect we are appointing to a chief executive type position to the second trade union federation in our country. The process could involve an F&GP interview panel to long list and presentations to the EC for shortlist or interview. 19 The post requires deep commitment to trade unionism and practical working experience of leadership in particularly specialist trade unions and a lot these days of financial, organisational and admin experience together with a good knowledge of trade union education.
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