EC Meeting Papers January 2019
- This research, with recommendations for current and future initiatives, will be
made available to the rest of the movement through a variety of mediums
Feedback, Assessment and Expansion
- Conduct a detailed assessment of the pilot political education clubs project.
- Host a public event with on the ground organisers at TWT festival 2019.
- Create an extensive online guide to setting-up and running a socialist club.
- Plan/organise a number of regional training courses for people interested in
building socialist clubs or organising stand alone events
- We expect by that stage to be in a position to secure significantly expanded
funding and will use this to scale up and develop the project, further develop our
on the ground educators and organisers, as well as potentially branch out into
more innovative forms of education.
Our projected budget for the first 12-14 months of the project is £140,000. This includes
3 full-time staff on the London Living Wage, office space, expenses and resources for
training events and digital/online engagement.
Funding raised so far:
- We have secured £53,000 from income from TWT2018 festival and grants from
other partners.
- The Barry Amiel and Norman Melburn Trust have provisionally agreed to fund a
TWT Political Education Researcher for one year (equivalent to a PHD stipend of
This leaves us with a shortfall of £70,000 to ensure we remain on schedule.
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