EC Meeting Papers January 2019

EC Minutes November 2018

4. Issues from affiliates.

NAPO. Bro. Lawrence discussed current issues within NAPO. Bro. Lawrence reported in his positive meeting with Bob Neil and successful pay negotiations had been reached.

Sis. Pattison reported that she would be stepping down from her role. EC members wised her well and thanked her for and gave their thanks and appreciation for her work.

BFAWU. Sis. Woolley reported that an agreement on courses had been made. Sis. Woolley reported that the first version of ‘Train the Trainer’ course had been delivered with Two sister’s representatives. The course involved three sessions each with 16 representatives and fantastic feedback had been received. Sis. Woolley reported on the Greggs redundancy situation and stated that although jobs would be lost, the majority would be relocated over the next two and a half months. But going forward this would help Greggs to create more jobs in the future. AEP. Sis. Pratten reported that AEP’s annual meeting had taken place. There had been a big step forward with new executives and positive feedback had come back from the corporal punishment motion at the TUC, which was also a BGCM motion. Community. Bro. Mooney reported that following Community’s biennial conference last year Mental Health training had been prioritised. Bro. Mooney reported that the Langs tannery in Paisley would be taking strike action as part of their campaign for fair pay award. NAUTILIST INT. Bro. Elliott reported that despite Nautilus being a traditional union they have a vision to double members by 2030 through a non-traditional union way targeting windfarm sector and the fishing industry and yacht sector . Bro. Elliott reported that they would be introducing ‘ friend of Nautilus ’ scheme with heavily reduced basic membership. The aim being for members to then go forward and become full Nautilus union membership. Bro. Elliott gave an overview to EC members of owners and their relationships with employees. The ‘friend’ scheme had previously achieved a very successful 83% from going onto full membership. TSSA. Bro. Cortes reported on the new training for representatives that had begun, which was TSSA’s most ambitious training programme to date. The programme ensures that all representatives are trained and then the vision is to proactively seek more members. Bro. Cortes stated this would change the culture of unions. Bro. Cortes reported on the industry front that dispute with DB Cargo continued and there would be strike action next year of no deal was reached over the ongoing dispute overpay and conditions.


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