EC Meeting Papers January 2020
Union Building Conference. Discussion paper.
The three previous union building conferences have had considerable impact.
They have enabled affiliates to understand each other more, to work closer together, to develop new practical support services for affiliates and to sharpen thinking about key elements of trade union organisation. They have led to changes at the GFTU and improved our effectiveness and transformed our thinking about education. GFTU affiliates are a mix of the strongest in the country in terms of membership density and collective bargaining coverage and some of the smallest and newest. Union building conferences give a great opportunity to invite potential affiliates and we should do this again. The context in which we meet in February if one which was predicted in the discussion paper at the November 2019 EC. Unfortunately we have an anti-trade union, anti-social government in power. It could be argued that they do not need much more trade union legislation to weaken us, although murmurings about banning strike action in the transport sector are of course worrying. There is likely to be a spate of public sector and possibly infrastructure investment. There will not be any controls on the freedom of capital to fly out of the country and there will be various inducements to increase inward and international outward investment. Unless there is a significant new collapse of the banking sector employment levels are likely to remain high and employment conditions in relation to poverty in work and zero hours contract and the gig economy will either remain static or deteriorate. The danger of separatism in Scotland could further divide the Movement. At the BGCM we discussed the importance of the concept emanating from the CWU of a New Deal for Workers and this was passed at the TUC. It is around this motion that the future prospects of the trade union movement circulate. In my view it is key. Why not call our Union Building Conference a New Deal for Workers and focus on themes and ideas that will help rebuild the trade union confidence and presence? The timetable and some areas for discussion could look like the draft below with some suggested speakers and facilitators.
Any other ideas very welcome. The event needs to be attractive and very value added for unions.
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