EC Meeting Papers July 2018
Introducing Politics to Trades Unionists
Days: 2
Date: 23 - 24 October 2018
Location: Quorn Grange Hotel
Days: 2
Date: 12 - 13 March 2019
Location: Quorn Grange Hotel
How can we ensure that the voice of the unions, and of working people, are heard and acted upon? This course will examine the cornerstones of our political system; local and national government; the ideology and purpose of the main political parties; and the role of the ‘political fund’ in trade union work. Activities and discussion will combine in order to enable an understanding of why the battle for ideas informs and shapes the present; and how we – as trade unionists – build influence upon decision makers and decision making. This course seeks to show that politics is not some great mystery, but a social activity that operates on many different levels and in many different places (such as in the family, the school and in the workplace).
Themed around discussion, debate and group work, this two day course at Quorn aims to encourage engagement with ideas, and to suggest actions and activities that will help Reps decide upon: • Who represents me? • Who decides? • How laws are made • How to vote • Why politics matters • What you can do to get involved in both your union and in the wider community
Start time (both days): 10am Finish time (both days): 4pm
Tutor: A. Burchill
Trade Unions & the Law
Days: 2
Date: 7 - 8 November 2018
Location: Quorn Grange Hotel
Led by practising trade union lawyers based at the Institute of Employment Rights, this two day course aimed at trade union Reps and officials will look at the restrictions placed upon the unions by the Trade Union Act of 2016, and suggest ways in which trade unionists can use the legal framework to their benefit; winning for their organisations and for their members. Among the themes to be covered are: • An outline of British Labour Law • Statutory protection – and how to go about improving it • Collective bargaining • Making your rights work • Securing the Freedom of Association
Precarious work, attacks upon trade union freedoms, undue employer interference and power are all facets of the workplace in today’s Britain. But it doesn’t have to be this way. This course, based around the Institute of Employment Rights’ key text, A Manifesto for Labour Law, aims to navigate trade unionists through the legal constraints placed upon them by successive governments, since 1979, and to seek ways in which we can seek to embed the voices of working people at national, sectoral and enterprise levels, and fight for the introduction of fundamental and enforceable rights for all workers.
Tutor: Institute of Employment Rights
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