EC Meeting Papers July 2018

Making a success of collaborative working – a Win:Win for everybody…

The TSSA motion to the GFTU’s BGCM in 2015, called for the GFTU to; • Continue to offer practical, educational, campaigning and other support to specialist unions and smaller specialist sections within larger unions. • Support the development of trade unionism through a strategy that nurtures trade union growth in unorganised and under organised sectors of our economy. • Develop a plan that delivers membership growth among affiliates. • Pool and share resources. • Consider the feasibility of building a multi-union headquarters and also sharing office space through Britain and Ireland. • Generate new income for both the GFTU and its affiliates. • Negotiate shared services and facilities between affiliates, the GFTU and third parties to create economies of scale and other savings by maximising the combined purchasing power for GFTU and affiliates and the development of customised, shared benefits and services. • Signpost affiliates to companies and service providers who are ethically robust, unionised and offer value for money and high quality to trade union clients. People that attended the 2015 BGCM will recall that the motion was carried unanimously. We held a meeting in Leeds last week (9 th July 2018) that all unions were invited to in order to help progress peoples understanding of how different Unions and the GFTU are moving this forwards and how their Union can benefit. The meeting was attended by;

Yvonne Pattison


Katie Lomas


Paul Raven


Frank Ward


Hardev Sohal


Garry Elliott

Nautilus International

Ian Richards


Paul Scholey

Morrish Solicitors

David Sorensen

Morrish Solicitors

In preparation for the meeting people were asked to spend time beforehand to reflect on their Union’s current position so that we could consider responses and practical, affordable solutions. The following questions were asked beforehand to stimulate the discussions;

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