EC Meeting Papers July 2018
of HR at Unite has been elected the Chair without potential interests in the delivery of the scheme. I would stress this can benefit all unions whether they pay into the levy or not. For example once the apprenticeship is up and running unions whether in the levy or not will be able to get training for new and existing staff for around £400. This is going to be a great will of training a new generation of leaders and upskilling existing officials.
4.1 The International Study Visit to Poland has taken place and in initial draft report is submitted for your information.
4.2 Arrangements have been made for our two delegates to visit the Venezuelan Trade Union movement as their guests have been made. Venezuela Solidarity Committee have funded the Trade Union attache (Marcos Garcia who spoke at our Union Building Conference) to accompany the delegation, I understand a full programme has been arranged and a pre trip briefing organised.
4.3 The Freedom for Ocalan Campaign is the main international theme at the Durham Miners Gala.
4.4 I address a fringe meeting With Bro, Cortes at the TSSA Conference on this Freedom for Ocalan Campaign. One delegate praised the 2017 GFTU Kurdish festival and requested another one. I think we should give consideration to this for 2019. I would encourage unions who have not affiliated to do so. Prospect is the latest GFTU affiliate to join the campaign.
5 Win:Win 5.1 A meeting of affiliates has been held recently, please see the report attached.
5.2 Please note that we have added new services to our portfolio available to affiliates.
5.3 The Operations Manager will report further at the EC.
6 Work with affiliates and others. 6.1 I have advised two affiliates on internal issues.
6.2 I was proud again to address the BFAWU Conference. The donation made by BFAWU for this I have donated to the Grenfell Foundation the main official organisation supporting residents still homeless and or traumatised by the terrible events.
6.3 Discussions with four potential affiliates continue.
6.4 Discussions with three affiliates considering disaffiliation will take place following discussions at the F&GP.
6.5 I was very pleased to address the leadership team of the GMB who held their first meeting at Quorn recently and want to return for their next one.
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