EC Papers September 2018
My impression from the TUC debates was that this issue has now penetrated the Movement.
Nationalised Coal history Project.
Professor Gildart was able to join us at the TUC event and link with the DMA.
12 We would want to propose a GFTU and project presence at the next Gala, which is their 150 th .
Chartist writing project.
This continues to progress
Chooseyouth campaign.
The Labour Party has opened consultation on creating a statutory Youth Service as part of the new education service. We identified this as a priority campaign and I will produce some materials and ask all unions to contribute by the deadline 12/11/18. I would suggest that we offer to convene a meeting on education issues to involve POA for Prison education, VOICE, AEP and MU. I have been working with the artist and author of the forthcoming publication in graphic novel format of the history of our movement. This will be published next year and will make an important contribution to reconnecting with young people and keeping Labour History alive. The last novel of William Ash former Chair of WGGB and legendary war hero is ready. John Callow did an introduction to this and I did an afterward. New Internationalist are not convinced they should support the publication of the songs of Banner Theatre for financial reasons. I will endeavour to find alternative support. It is a very worthwhile project. 15 Workable Books.
We have received some interesting new proposals for books.
Could I encourage EC members to get members to buy books for Xmas etc for friends and family and union members.
Also our ethical shop should be used for the same purpose.
16 Title deed.
Our current lawyers identified that the lawyers and Land Registry responsible for the purchase of Quorn incorrectly entered the Educational Trust on the Transfer document and Trust Deed. This is accepted and the two previous law firms are seeking the appropriate amendment and do not anticipate an issue. Our current solicitors are keen to protect our interests in preparation to sue for negligence should things go wrong. I do not want us to enter into any litigation or incur costs so am keeping the President and Vice President appraised of the situation.
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