EC Papers September 2018
EC Minutes July 2018
4. News from Affiliates.
4.1 Bro. Smith reported the resignation of Sis. Paul from the Musicians Union and EC due to personal reasons.
EC Members agreed to send a card from the GFTU.
4.2 BFAWU Bro. Draper reported that the McDonalds campaign continued and that more companies across the fast food industry would also be involved in further action due to take place in October. Bro. Draper reported that links with Unite supporting the TGI campaign would also continue. Bro. Draper reported on the positive representation for the union received from the March in London in May where they walked at the front alongside fast food workers and Frances O’Grady. Laura McCall TUC youth representative is also on board which is great news for the union.
4.3 NAPO
Bro. Lawrence updated EC members with the developments of the split of the probation and its partial privatisation. Currently awaiting
4.4 POA Bro. Gillan reported on two issues concerning the POA. Rory Stewart Prison Minister new build for prisons publicity built but privately run. Continue to campaign against privatisation and call for independent enquiry. Bro. Gillan stressed the need also to support the campaign for decent collective bargained wages for prison officers and to lift the ban on action.
5. Education Programme.
Bro. Nicholls reported that due to personal reasons Bro. Callow, Education Officer, had resigned.
Bro. Nicholls discussed the draft Education Programme which currently omits the Trade Union Management programme which would be included in the final draft. Sis. Woolley had previously passed this award and it was noted it was a particularly demanding course. The programme has been revised following meetings with ILM to relax criteria but not reduce standards. There would be a cost involved in attending the course, costs were previously in the region of £650-£700. A minimum of 8 delegates would be needed to run the course. Sis. Woolley gave an insight of what the course involved in further detail to EC members.
EC members discussed the lack of intake for labour movement history courses. All courses were cancelled in 2018. It was discussed that these courses should be offered again in 2019 with the possibility of a different location.
It was proposed by Bro. Nicholls to add an additional four day new reps training course to be held at Quorn, over three nights and four days during 13 th – 16 th October. This course
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