EC Papers September 2018
EC Minutes July 2018
benefits of apprenticeship workers within the workplace and how it is another way to attract government funding within the GFTU and within the movement.
11. Finances: to approve GFTU 2017 accounts, to note other accounts, to consider GFTU and ET management accounts, to note investment performance.
Accountant David Goodwin and Sis. Cheung, GFTU Head of Finance were in attendance and EC members were asked to formally approve GFTU accounts.
David Goodwin, Accountant, gave an overview of accounts.
Bro. Linn questioned that there was £1000k gift aided in 2016 but there had not been any amount gift aided for 2017.
David Goodwin explained that there would be tax implications if no gift aid was given. EC members briefly discussed the tax benefits of gift aid and it was suggested by David Goodwin to gift aid £35k.
EC Members agreed to gift aid £35k and for this to be backdated.
EC Members approved GFTU accounts.
Bro. Lawrence questioned if any business rate reduction had been sought due to the building work that would be taking place. Head of Finance, Wendy Cheung, confirmed that a meeting had already taken place and this had been investigated however it would not offer any financial benefit.
12 Any Other Business. 12.1 Bro Nicholls reported that letters had been received from MU, BECTU and NUJ in similar terms. The NUJ disaffiliated immediately, the MU and BECTU gave notice of no reaffiliation. All letters expressed the view that they were being provided with sufficient training via the FEU and all were concerned that the GFTU was diverting from trade union business by running commercial and hotel business. The EC was saddened to receive these letters and concerned at the complete misperception about our work which had increased trade union work and new sources of co operation and funding and found ways of creating jobs, recirculating money in the Movement and doubling our education programme and putting into place 50 plus new services.
The General Secretary was asked to strongly challenge these misperceptions and discuss issues with unions accordingly.
12.2 Bro. Nicholls reported that correspondence had been circulated regarding pledges from unions for the proposed third building. £350k had been pledged with two further unions still
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