EC Papers September 2018
Venezuela Trip 16th – 21 st July 2018
production project. We then visited the birthplace of Simon Bolivar which doubled as one of
his homes but u nfortunately we were unable to visit the Chavez memorial as it was under a
2 week reconstruction. We still took a photo outside and noticed that it was guarded on each
side by soldiers! We finished off the day with a tour of a local community centre Tiuna El
Fuerte. We then spoke with Pikey of Bituaya who discussed the struggles of the community
over the past few years, what the centre does for the community and their plan for the future.
Bituaya is a band from that blends Afro-Caribbean sounds with lyrics that reflect the life of
young people in Caracas. The community centre was set up to focus on developing worker
productivity, music and artistic talent within the community. Pikey spoke about how important
a tool it has been to keep the younger population safe, off the streets and help people gain
extra skills.
On Thursday we visited La Guaira were we attended a press conference to announce the
4th Congress PSUV (United Socialists Party of Venezuela) election results. There are 198
communities within the states and a total of 11 delegates are elected which include equality
strands such; youth, women and workers. We were able to discuss the different aspects of
the party and the elections with a member of JPSUV which is focused on the youth. He is
also a congress member, a member of the International Commision of the Youth of PSUV
and works in the Mayor's office of Vargas. We attended the National Congress meeting of
productive workers, where proposals were being put forth the committee to implement to
improve working environments where we were lucky enough to meet two ministers of labour.
At this meeting we took part in a quick television interview with local media. We were
honoured to have a working lunch with the Chairperson of the Mayor’s Office in La Guaria.
Next, we were given a tour of a social housing area in Vargas which was built in 2010 with
the assistance of Turkey. There are 1300 houses in this one compound, and is one of the
many projects which were initiated by Hugo Chavez. Finally we attended a meeting
organised in Las Tunitas by the Mayor to receive feedback and proposals of improvement
from people in the community. The atmosphere was amazing, it was loud, with dancing and
singing performed by children in the local area.
Friday involved attended a community soap factory which was seized during the revolution
due to a private enterprise failing to deliver what was required by the community . It was very
interesting and good to see local people stepping up to play their part in society, they even
let us get involved! After a tour of the small factory, they let us have a go at sorting and
packing the soap. This was a very quick and manual job, but it was a lot of fun! We
participated in a Q&A session with the factory workers about their economy, how they run
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