Education Information
GFTU Learning and Development Review
Roles in scope of the review
Lay Leadership Roles
1. Workplace representative/shop steward
2. Workplace union learning rep
3. Workplace equalities rep.
4. Workplace Health and Safety rep
5. Senior workplace rep/convenor
6. Branch executive committee member/officer – branch secretary, treasurer, chair,
7. Lay leadership role i.e. regional executive, specialist committee’s etc
8. National lay executive committee member/officer
Paid Trade Union Employees
9. Local or Regional organiser (TU Officer Apprentice Standard applies)
10.Union manager (officers)
11.Union manager (office and admin)
12.Admin support
a. Membership b. Other
13.Specialist support a. Finance b. Facilities c. Legal
d. Information Technology e. Communications
14.Hotline/advice officer
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