Educational Trustees Meeting Nov 2017
WR I GLEY S ---- S OL I C I TOR S ----
Mrs S Poole Morrish Solicitors LLP Oxford House Oxford Row Leeds LS1 3BE
Wrigleys Solicitors LLP 19 Cookridge Street Leeds LS2 3AG
12020 Leeds 1
Direct: 0113 204 5744
13 October 2017
Your ref:
Our ref:
Dear Sue
The General Federation of Trade Unions Educational Trust ("GFTUET")
I understand that part of the site owned by GFTUET is currently used for a children's nursery and that this will continue (albeit on a different part of the site) once the development work has been completed. You mentioned that GFTUET has set up a company limited by shares called Quorn Grange Day Nursery Ltd to run the nursery, and that there is no formal lease in place as yet. Who is currently running the nursery? Is it still being run by GFTUET or is it now being run by Quorn Grange Day Nursery Ltd? In the advice that follows, I am assuming that the nursery activities are still within GFTUET. If they are not, then it is possible that some of the potential liabilities I identify below will have already been triggered/incurred. "(1) the advancement of education in all or some or one or more as the Trustees shall think fit of the following subjects namely economic history and theory industrial law and the history and principles of industrial relations… (2) such other educational or other charitable purposes as the Trustees may from time to time determine". GFTUET's objects are therefore wide enough for GFTUET to provide nursery education, although the trustees will need to have regard to the public benefit guidance (including considering whether any fees charged prevent those who are less well off financially from sending their children to the nursery). They will also need to consider whether running a children's nursery fits with their core mission and vision. Can GFTUET run the nursery itself? GFTUET's objects are:
T: 0113 244 6100 F: 0113 244 6101
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