Educational Trustees Meeting
2.5 The cost of new hotel offices was not factored into the overall build plan and quotations up to around £35k have been received for this work.
2.6 The GFTU will move into temporary office accommodation for 5 weeks during the new build period and will move into the existing nursery building.
2.7 The necessary environmental, wildlife, asbestos, utilities and ICT surveys have now been completed prior to the new build. No obstacles have been raised.
2.8 A new cost plan for the new build and programme plan have been produced. The GFTU will not be taking any loans for this project. It will be funded entirely from our financial investments. The build programme will be 50 weeks.
2.9 The form of the building contract is a design and build which in essence means that all of the liabilities are with the contractor and not with the GFTU or Education Trust.
2.10 From an educational point of view it should be noted that the new build adds two new classrooms to the GFTU offices. It will be the intention to get modern ICT equipment for these. Nursery 3.1 Following very detailed examination and external advice it because very clear that the option of building and running a new larger nursery was not viable. 3
3.2 Meetings were held with 4 potential buyers of the nursery or companies to run a new nursery for us under a license agreement. These too did not prove viable.
3.3 Redundancies of all nursery staff were therefore made. I am pleased to report however that all but one member of staff obtained alternative employment on or prior to the closure date. One remaining member of staff did not fund work immediately and we offered her some temporary work to deal with the nursery closure and I am pleased to report she has not found full time employment also. 3.4 The Operations Manager had a lot of work to do to effect a smooth closure and then to ensure that the building was left in good order and that all paperwork and records were secured and he should be thanked for this work.
3.5 The Operations Manager secured sales amounting to £1000 for some remaining equipment and this has been placed in the ET bank account.
3.6 The nursery fee management was not good and some £20K of fees remain outstanding. Detailed consideration to the prospects of debt collection have been given by the finance officer, Head of Finance and Operations Manager. It has been agreed to prioritise some recent debts.
3.7 The closure of the nursery also relieves the budget of the hotel by some £25k per annum for food supplies.
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