Educational Trustees Meeting
INTRODUCTION Shout Out UK is a multi-award winning independent news and media network that, via films, journalism, events and education, aims to show young people that political and social issues have a direct impact on their lives. The Political Literacy Course aims to help young people engage with politics, by teaching them about the processes in Politics, as well as public speaking and debating. The skills learnt on the course enhance a student’s self-image, confidence, emotional resilience and knowledge of politics. Political literacy is the first step towards political education. Before we can truly educate the next generation about politics, we must first equip them with the skills and tools necessary to engage. Politics is like a language; and without knowing or understanding that language, it is almost impossible to fully engage. Our Political Literacy Course provides young people with a clear understanding of what politics is; how our society and institutions work; and teaches them the key skills necessary and related to politics (public speaking, debating and campaigning). Not only are these skills relevant and important for anyone’s self-esteem, confidence and emotional resilience, but our Course offers the next generation a viable pathway into the political realm so, for the rest of their lives, they can become active, engaged and passionate democratic citizens. Empowering them to create the world they want to live in.
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