Educational Trustees Meeting
11.9 These other income streams are significant for two reasons, firstly they help our charitable objectives, secondly the new build plan we have designed does not entirely solve the long term financial issue we have been trying to resolve. To full balance our books and ensure that we are not spending each year out of the family silver, we require around another £100k a year.
11.10 £10k has been generated for the Trust by undertaking an education review for PCS.
11.11 £10k has been generated for the Trust by undertaking an organisational review for the GGCA. This kind of contract work for affiliates benefitting the Trust is opens new and welcome opportunities.
New Trustees
12.1 I am very pleased that all Trustees approved by email the proposal for Jill Westerman to join us as a Trustee and we look forward to welcoming Jill at our next meeting.
Project 120
The GFTU celebrates its 120 th year next year.
13.2 A sub group has met to consider how this could be best celebrated. Notes of our meeting are attached. I hope that the Trustees may be able to support this plan recognising that this will require perhaps in the region of £20k from the Trust next year.
Any additional ideas are welcome.
13.4 Since this meeting I am pleased to say that all partners are signed up to the project. Also it has been news to me to discover that the Modern Records Office and the Working Class Memorial Library both have significant GFTU Holdings. 13.5 Warwick Modern records Office have suggested that they produce an online digital exhibition of the GFTU which I have welcomed on our behalf. 13.6 It is of course equally in the Trust’s interests that the year leads to increased GFTU affiliations as well as a successful record or the GFTU. 14.1 The Union Building Conference at Yarnfield (23-25 February) was well attended by delegates from GFTU’s affiliated unions. There were presentations around the Educational work of the GFTU and the shared services offer to our affiliates, as well as contributions from international speakers and a podcast from John McDonnell, the Shadow Chancellor, stressing the vital roles of working class education and the youth service. The event also provided a valuable opportunity to showcase the GFTU’s ‘Trade Union Education’ book. 14.2 Work is ongoing with the publication schedule for Workable book titles for 2018. The volume on Trade Union Education is gaining traction; through its use as a course text on Level 4; its dissemination through some Education Officers; and its appearance on some PGCE reading lists. TSSA, in particular, have actively promoted it and ordered copies for their officials. 14.3 The relationship with Northern College continues to strengthen, and is proving to be extremely beneficial for both parties. Northern are attending the Education Officers’ 14 Education Work.
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