GFTU BGCM 2019 Minutes
As the Transnational Institute report highlighted, there is a global kickback to
reclaim public services from private corporations and show that ‘ever-declining
service quality and ever-increasing prices are no inevitable”. There are many
reasons for this, but largely a response to austerity politics and recognition that
corporations deepen rather than address key social and environmental
challenges. This includes climate change and it is clear that we will not be able
to address the challenges of climate change and energy transition unless
energy is under public ownership as part of a public sector function. This
should be central to an industrial strategy that confronts the realities of climate
change without abandoning workers to the market and profits as we see today
in precarious work of zero hour contracts and low pay.
It is important that all sectors and unions look at the impact of climate change
on their members’ jobs and develop Just Transition programmes to safeguard
workers’ livelihoods and pensions supported by environmental reps within the
workplace. Finally, the motion asks for the GFTU to establish and provide a
training programme for environmental reps. At present in the UK our children
are at the forefront of the climate change agenda. We need to be standing
shoulder to shoulder with them and driving change in our workplaces. To do
this, our reps need to be trained at the same standard that our shop stewards
and health and safety reps are and at the moment there is simply nothing out
there to do that at the standard of GFTU courses. Thank you. Please support.
THE PRESIDENT: Thank you very much, Sarah.
The motion was formally seconded
THE PRESIDENT: Would anybody like to speak on this motion? (No reply). Okay.
Thank you very much.
Motion 3 was CARRIED unanimously
THE PRESIDENT: Now we are moving on to the one rule change. That is Motion 5.
We have got a point of order that I have been told about.
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