GFTU BGCM Minutes 2017
completely different view of how the world should be run and it was based
around the idea that instead of full employment the main objective of economic
policy should be low inflation, that you should cut taxes on the rich, because
that would allow a trickledown economics to work, wealth would cascade down
from rich to poor, that you should free finance more the constraints that had
been put on it in the 1930s after the Wall Street Crash and the whole objective
of economic policy was to shrink the size of the state and just allow free
markets to work. That model actually ruled economic and political thinking for
35 years thereafter, but in 2008 that model hit the buffers. That model proved
to be completely and utterly unsustainable, as people on the social democratic
left had always said it would. If you take the example of the UK, manufacturing
had been supplanted as the prime driving force of the economy by finance in
the City of London, that trade union power had been eroded drastically and,
therefore, pay bargaining became more difficult, workers found it much harder
to get their fair share of a growing economy, so any productivity gains that the
economy generated by and large to a small elite and to capital rather than to
labour and for many years before the crisis broke I was writing stories saying
that there was a deeply worrying build up in personal debt and it is quite
obvious why that was, because if people are not getting wage increases
commensurate with their productivity improvements and they want to see their
living standards go up, there are only one or two ways they can do it. Either
they can work harder, do more jobs, which some people did, or they can take
on more debt, they can try and take on more debt to increase the value of their
assets, their house and then use their houses essentially as ATM machines
and extract money that way to keep their living standards up and that was
totally, totally unsustainable. The model broke down in 2007. Speculation
became so rampant across the global economy that even with quite easy
monetary policy from central banks the model just completely broke down.
My feeling, and I am sure this is true of a lot of people on the centre left, was
that this was the moment when there would be a renaissance of social
democratic, left wing analysis would arise and the new world order that we put
into place from the wreckage of this neoliberal system would be different, but
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