GFTU BGCM Minutes 2017
SIS SARAH WOOLLEY (Bakers, Food and Allied Workers Union) moved the
following motion:
That this conference agrees to lobby government, the Labour Party and
TUC to stop the abuse of workers’ pay, terms and conditions to compensate for
the implementation of the so called living wage. Cuts to overtime, Bank holiday
and premium payments are becoming the norm and driving many thousands of
workers to the brink of poverty.
She said: Conference, £7.50 is not a living wage. Imagine having to rely on
premium shifts, working consistent Sundays, nights and bank holidays to earn
enough money in order to survive, working ridiculous amounts of overtime in
order to pay the bills and be able to eat. This is the reality for many thousands
of workers in our industry who are predominantly low paid. Since the
introduction of the £7.50 rate we have seen an increase in unscrupulous
employers attempting to slash these premium shifts as well as other terms and
conditions in order to “fund” the increase in the minimum wage, whilst not
touching their profit levels of the bosses’ pay. Employers such as Two Sisters
who make tens of millions of pounds of profit expect their workforce to forfeit
premium shifts to pay for it and live off a minimum pay rate and are actually
losing money due to the loss of extra earning opportunities. Incidentally, our
strike last year at Pennine Foods in Sheffield was a direct fightback of these
cuts or attempted cuts which would have seen couples, for example, losing
between £5,000 and £8,000 a year. It is the difference between keeping and
losing your house. They have been allowed to abuse loopholes in the law,
making employees poorer whilst they get richer and this is from a Government
who says it is for the working people. Conference, that is about as phoney as
the living wage they introduced. There are no protections in place for the
workers who have been left wide open to these attacks.
We want to ensure when the Labour Party are elected on 9 th June and £10 an
hour minimum wage is brought in that this will be a basic rate to build upon and
not be another excuse for the likes of Two Sisters to strip back any more pay,
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