GFTU BGCM Minutes 2017

with, truth be known, it is a difficult issue for us, but I think we have come up

with a proposal that is worthy of consideration and worthy of taking forward and

I think the Executive are full square behind it.

I have not got a quote but all I can say is looking at Ronnie “Much ado about

nothing!” (Laughter and applause)

THE PRESIDENT: The next item on the agenda is Motion 5, item 33. Manuel, just

so you know, the plan is to take the emergency motion on the election

immediately after the next motion.

BRO MANUEL CORTES (TSSA): Okay, that is fine.


SIS YVONNE PATTISON (NAPO) moved the following motion:


This BGCM welcomes the announcement of an emergency review of

the Family Court system on the need to afford greater protection to the victims

of Domestic Violence and the prevention of the situation where perpetrators

may cross examine their victims at hearings. This practice serves only to re-

victimise and passers the power to perpetrators in a system which is there to

protect victims. This anomaly is already prohibited in the Criminal Courts.


commission support and research from our associated academics on

this important issue.


seek input by way of a survey of Napo members working in CAFCASS


seek an urgent approach from the legal professions and Women’s Aid

with a view to assisting the GFTU in aiming to influence the outcomes of the

review through Parliament.

She said: As this motion states, it is essentially about protecting victims from

re-victimisation in the Family Courts. There is a practice currently of

perpetrators who choose to represent themselves in Family Court proceedings

and it is a direct impact really of legal aid cuts in private law meaning that only

those who have the means to pay have the luxury of legal representation.


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