GFTU BGCM Minutes 2017
an erosion of our staff entitlements, either in a duty station in Geneva or in field
duty stations and things like that. So we see that and we find that some of
these member states have deviated from what they had initially agreed to in
terms of conditions, in terms of service of the international civil servant, so staff
unions are, therefore, concerned that all these cuts in income on this scale and
the reduction in rights to various entitlements such as family leave, right to
education, in terms of education grants, allowances to staff who have families
when staff are posted to a deep field location and staff sometimes need to have
their families close by in safe duty location so that they can be able to visit
them over four weeks of working in a tough duty location.
So these are some of the areas that CCISUA work for and I think that is about
it. I think I will stop here. If there are any other questions please throw it up for
a discussion. (Applause)
THE PRESIDENT: Can I also ask John McGowan from the Social Workers Union to
say a bit about another incredibly interesting organisation.
BRO JOHN McGOWAN (SWU): Brothers and sisters, I am delighted to be up here.
As you can see, our name is on the board, so it is great to be part of the GFTU.
What I am planning to do is I am planning to tell you a bit about what we do as
social workers, why we set up the union in 2011 and also why we feel that the
membership of the GFTU is really important for our organisation. Before I start,
you see my name there, John McGowan, General Secretary. It is a part time
post. I am also part time for the Open University. I am the programme tutor in
Scotland for the social work degree. That is why I have got a Powerpoint. It is
what I do every day! (Laughter) I have been in the post now for eight months.
I can think eight months ago I used to have hair and I was not grey and I was
about a stone lighter, so the eight months has taken its toll on me, but it is a job
I really enjoy and I have to say that because our President is here as well.
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