GFTU BGCM Minutes 2017
governments, they have PR across Europe and look at that”. I could give you a
whole load of facts, I have not got time to do so this morning, but it is
statistically proven that first past the post electoral systems have led to right
wing governments being elected most of the time in the OECD nations and
particularly here in the UK. So that is one factor and there are many more and
what I would like the GFTU to do is to flag up how we can make contact with
groups promoting fairer electoral systems as a debating issue for us going
forward and, of course, we all hope, don’t we, that first past the post results in a
Labour victory?
But look at the stats. The swing needed by Labour, whoever is in charge, it
does not matter who is in charge, statistically the swing needed to seize back
those seats from the Tories that they need to win to get a majority, let alone to
hang on to the marginals, is huge, so it is a Herculean task, but a bigger
Herculean task is for our generation to try and change the system for future
generations, because if we do not we are effectively sentencing young people
of the future to the prospect of right wing totalitarianism and we have got to do
better than that. This movement is capable of doing better than that, so whilst I
am not speaking specifically to the motion, I get it, I think it is something that
we should consider. If you want to secure change then, to quote from As you
Like it, “Carpe diem”, comrades, “for in delay there lies no plenty”. If you want
to change, work for it. If you want to shape a future that works for everybody,
let’s lay those foundations using our skills and endeavours and help to create a
more pluralistic, fear, equal and just society. Thank you. (Applause)
SIS THERESA EASTON (Artists’ Union England): I just wanted to come back on that
on a practical issue. Artists’ Union England, we do not have any political fund,
we are not affiliated with anything, members often want to get us involved in
political things and we have to be careful on what we do get involved in, but
what we are able to do with our individual trades council is to get involved in
things there, because the trades council rules are slightly different. The north
east is a Labour stronghold, but there are pockets where there are areas where
the seats could go either way and we have discussed at our trades council
contacting the trades councils in those areas where they are a bit wobbly like
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