GFTU BGCM Minutes 2017
so there is going to be a future for trade unions. Trade unions are specialist.
Therefore, the future means that there has got to be a GFTU. We play, as
other colleagues have said, a unique and important role in the trade union
movement, small though we might think we are. We are absolutely distinctive
to the nature of a specialist trade union movement. So that is one principle,
that we have got to keep this organisation going for future generations when
we are not in this room but other colleagues are. The second principle, as Ben
and others alluded to, I think, on the first day, is that speculation on the markets
for investments is not the most reliable way forward. We need forms of
investments which support the real economy and which are under our control.
If we put our £5 million or whatever it is into the finance investment markets, we
do not control it.
So we organically, as it were, began to realise that maybe an investment future
for the GFTU would be to build the asset of the Quorn Grange site. Over a lot
of discussions we got to a position where we felt that if we built some houses
on the site we could generate some rental income, if we expanded the nursery
that we have got and build a purpose built nursery we could have a good social
purpose and educational purpose there, but also have a new income stream
doubling the current income from the nursery. We then looked at the hotel and,
despite all the successes of the hotel we have got, maintaining an above
industry average occupancy of the rooms of 65%, it ain’t big enough. We are
just below the threshold for not just getting more business and, therefore, more
profit into the hotel, but also not all of our unions can hold, for example, their
national conferences there. So if we were to expand the hotel by about 24
rooms, more unions could have more events there, but also economically we
would generate proportionally more profit for less investment, as it were. That
was the direction that we took. We did business models on those three
elements and I have lost count, but I think probably at least three times and we
scrutinised them to death and the figures always came back the same. When
Wendy arrived we asked her to examine it carefully and she came up with the
same figures as well. The figures are that there would be about an £85,000 a
year new income stream from the houses, there would be about a £200,000
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