GFTU BGCM Minutes 2017
fantastic collection of pictures from the 1984 Miners Strike to Quorn, so that is
going to be a good addition. (Applause)
There we are. That is the proposal. In content it is straight forward – invest in
Quorn, build our assets at Quorn, do good things in the process, have it well
managed so it makes those kind of business plan targets that we have got and
continue to make it the best place for the best people in Britain to go to, trade
THE PRESIDENT: Thank you, Doug.
BRO RONNIE DRAPER (Bakers, Food and Allied Workers Union): I am supporting
the General Secretary’s statement on the new build at Quorn. I just want to
say something about last night. I think it was good, I recognise the artists were
absolutely amazing, the music was sublime and their timing when they came
in, because for great periods of time they were not playing at all and then all of
a sudden it was really tight the way the music came in. I did not realise the
Pink Panther was part of Shakespeare! (Laughter) I did hear that during the
Can I just maybe go back a little bit to historical stuff, because it is not about
bigging Doug Nicholls up, but I think it is about some truthful statements that
need saying. I have been on the Executive of the GFTU for six years and prior
to that kept a close eye. We have an item on our agenda all the time at our
Executive which is the GFTU, so closely I have been in a position where I could
follow what was happening. When I came in it seemed there were these
constant battles going on. We had a battle about who was going to be General
Secretary and I have got to say for my own union, to our credit, we backed, I
believe, the right horse. I think history will prove that we did the right thing. We
have always constantly been aware of all the difficult conversations. You are
not going to have an organisation that is providing what we provide to members
and to workers and to society, because it goes further than just the unions,
without having some of those difficult conversations. Doug is right, you know.
One of the things that was a difficult conversation, and he had a lot of trauma in
signing the cheque, but if you listened to the debate and for the new affiliates
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