GFTU BGCM Minutes 2017
part of a trade union, already actually get it for free, so that was quite an
interesting suggestion there. Then there was the realisation that seemed to go
across the different tables at different times that there was actually a hidden gift
under the name badges. (Laughter) Everyone opened up these boxes,
thinking, “Oh, okay” and then some of the more, I will be political and say more
experienced people just say, “What’s this? Is it a bookend? Is it a doorstop?”
and it had to be explained exactly what the gift was. The wine sweeping
started particularly early at the gala dinner and I know that one inventive
delegate actually turned water into wine, so that was very commendable.
(Laughter) It was rounded off with a reasonable time to bed for most of us
Yesterday obviously we had more excellent contributions and speakers and I
think most of us were particularly moved by the Kurdistan report and Berdan
Öztürk. Even the Guardian journalist was pretty good, but I did notice that a lot
of people in the room were trying to be on their best behaviour and not to
blame him for the Guardian’s portrayal and unfair and, frankly, appalling bias
towards criticism of Jeremy Corbyn in the early days. It was mentioned
yesterday that we need to get better about recognising our successes and our
victories and I certainly echo those kind of points. The achievements made by
our unions on behalf of our members need to be more widely recognised and
applauded. Most of us do not go into this kind of industry or movement for any
kind of recognition or reward, but we always carry on the fight for our members,
despite the ceaseless attacks against all trade unions.
We even had a somewhat unnoticed, but temporary suspension of standing
orders when a couple of the more, shall we say, cheekier unions decided to
second their own motions. Don’t worry, the eagle eyed President did spot this,
but rather than be bogged down in bureaucratic argument he decided to let the
conference flow rather than interject in that way which I think deserves
applause. We then finished off yesterday with the Shakespeare visit and
Antony and Cleopatra. Everyone will have mixed views on that. Personally I
cannot say I followed it all. I enjoyed it immensely. I was lost in more than one
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