GFTU BGCM Minutes 2017

Education administrator Shazia Begum sitting next to John. You are very


The event is being photographed by John Harris of Report who I am sure that

most of you know very well.

The first formal item of business after the apologies is the adoption of standing

orders. General Secretary?


THE GENERAL SECRETARY: Thanks. The Standing Orders are on page 5. It is a

good set of Standing Orders. They are there to help us have a very relaxed,

friendly and democratic gathering and they always work well. No. 4 always

amuses me. It says: “In the case of a disorder arising, the President shall

have the power to adjourn the meeting to a time he/she shall fix”, so beware!

We have never had to invoke that one and I am sure we never will, so we are

relaxed, we are friendly, the Standing Orders are there to help. In addition to

those on page 5, there are just a couple of things on the order paper. We have

had an emergency motion on the General Election from the TSSA. That has

just been circulated, I think. The Executive supports the motion and agrees

that it constitutes an emergency under rule in that the deadline for motions was

before the election was announced, so this has come in as an emergency and

our intention is to take that on Tuesday as item 34, so we will put that in on


You have seen the paper on equalities and the composition of the EC seats and

we intend to take that on Monday first thing, because that will affect the

incoming EC. I think they are the only changes that I have been notified of, so

with that I move the Standing Orders and the order of business. (Agreed)


THE PRESIDENT: We need to elect two tellers. This is one of the least onerous

tasks in the trade union movement, by the way. I cannot remember, having


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