November EC Meeting 2019
Staff meetings are held each Monday morning.
A pay increase has been awarded to the Operations Manager.
A pay increase will be proposed for the Maintenance technician.
A full HR audit report on the hotel has been received by the Directors from the Operations Manager and has proposed new improved practices. A full HR report has been received on one situation involving a member of hotel staff with mental health issues at work. A full report has been received from the Operations Manager on improving the site management arrangements. Requests for discounts on housing rental accommodation from two members of GFTU staff was declined.
A small extension in the flexi time hours has been agreed.
Compulsory training for all GFTU staff and relevant hotel staff in GDPR and Cybercrime has been held. The Operations Manager who is responsible for HR at the hotel and GFTU is creating a number of training opportunities for staff.
Recently Fire Marshall and first aid training was also held for relevant staff.
Educational Events/Programme.
Wigan Diggers Festival.
The GS wrote an article and delivered a talk on the words of Gerard Winstanely for the Diggers Festival. This was videos and will be written up as an educational resource. The organisers have requested further collaboration with the GFTU on education.
Leicester Book Festival.
The GS has been asked to give a talk on the novels and work of William Ash in the Leicester Secular Hall on October 24th.
The World Transformed.
The GS has been asked to introduce the political education section of The World Transformed discussion at Labour Party Conference.
TUC Fringe meeting.
As agreed a fringe meeting was held at the TUC chaired by the President on trade union education with speakers Jill Westerman from our Trust, Alison Stoecker from John McDonnell’s office, Matteo Bergamini from Shout Out, Colin Kirkham from the EC and the Trailblazer Apprenticeship and Mike Seal from Newman University. The EC understood around 26 attended which is good for TUC fringes. There was a general Fringe meeting on the new apprenticeship organised by the trailblazer group and this attracted 14 people.
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