November EC Meeting 2019
The EC agreed that the key themes are the New Deal for Workers’ motion passed at the TUC, the IER Manifesto for Labour Law, trade union education and win win services at the next level.
A successful fringe meeting on trade union education was held at the TUC and a full page advert taken in the programme advertising the book and the hotel.
Democracy and accountability
The President Vice President and myself meet at least weekly by telephone conference.
John Hendy and Christine Blower.
The GS had congratulated John Hendy QC and Christine Blower former GS of NUT on their move to the House of Lords.
General Secretaries’ meeting.
The next meeting is on October 16th at Quorn and will discuss some work that the GS was asked to do on defining the roles of the General Secretary as a support tool for existing and new generations.
Hotel Directors.
The GS had prepared a comprehensive mailing for the Hotel Directors’ meeting on September 20th and a report back can be given. Increased business at the hotel since the July new room opening has achieved an additional £80,000.00 gift aid to the Educational Trust in that time.
Win Win services.
There are new win win services and we await the summary of all services available in a usable one stop shop. A lot of this is now presented on the website.
New website.
Thanks to the work of Bob Ansell, Ian Richards and Georgia Wilkinson a new look look website has been created and will be refined and added to.
New shift of management.
GFTU’s assets are all, or nearly all invested on the Quorn Grange site. This asset has to be protected. It is a busier site. The success of the housing, hotel income, win win surplus and other initiatives like Workable Books and the Ethical shop, including a reduction in the direct Education spend are now critical to the GFTU’s future. We also need a better fund raising capacity. The EC’s expectation of the quality of management on site is now therefore much higher and the GS has made this clear.
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