November EC Meeting 2019
Winter course programme from the GFTU
The following courses are being organised at Quorn Grange Hotel in Leicestershire as part of the GFTU’s annual Education for Action programme.
Please complete the attached application form to be received 30 days prior to the course date. This form must be signed by the responsible officer in your union.
If you require accommodation the night before an event, please book this directly with Quorn Grange Hotel 01509 412 167
Unless otherwise stated day courses will commence at 10.00am and conclude around 4.30pm.
Courses at Northern College are subject to separate timing arrangements.
Grievance and Disciplinary Training.
An intensive day’s introduction to the two procedures at the heart of the employment relationship. This will boost your understanding of these procedures and your confidence in dealing with them
Course 1: January 8th
Course 2: February 19th
New Union rep (stage 1) training.
A two day introduction to being an effective representative.
Course 1 – December 9/10
Course 2 – January 9/10 2020.
Experienced Union rep (stage 2) training.
Course 1 – 11/12 December
Course 2 – 12/13 January
Combined rep (stage 1 and 2) training.
There are a number of spaces still available on the combined Stage 1 and 2 training course being run from 16 th to 19 th December. This is a fast track, intensive and popular course. To enquire whether there are still places available contact Mark Robinson the GFTU’s Education Administrator on 01509 410978 or e-mail
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