November EC Meeting 2019
The Labour Party’s Vision for Rebuilding Youth Services
D: General services: which also serve young people e.g. the police, fire service, hospitals, housing, faith communities
C: Services for young people: schools, further education; high education; justice; mental health; leisure, advice and guidance; sport
A: Youth Work: Provided by specialist youth work organisations including street based youth workers
B: Youth Work: carried out through open-access universal youth service, including youth social action and other development services
As adapted by the origional model by Tom Wylie, 2006 (NYA)
To ensure non-formal education is accessible to all young people, a Labour government will: • Create a Youth Service Fund . This will provide funding to ensure all young people have access to universal services. LYPs will be required to submit local plans to access and draw down funding from central government and guidance will be set out to assist them in the process (see appendix for government structures). • Make the Secretary of State for Education accountable for young people, working together with local authorities and voluntary bodies to promote and secure sufficient access to youth services. The Secretary of State for Education will report annually to Parliament on decisions taken by the Cabinet.
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