Union Building Conference 2018
Our History, Our Future
Project Management
The GFTU has commissioned from Banner Theatre an amazing performance piece in songs, video clips, images and interviews of the history of the trade union movement. This is available to unions for showing and stimulating debate at union education and other events. The performance lasts 75 minutes.
The GFTU can advise or manage your funded projects. We have a considerable track record of managing significant international partnership bids.
Supporting our Educational Trust
Images © ReportDigital
Our History, Our Future The past we inherit, the future we build
Our Educational Trust is a registered charity number 313439. Any donations however small are welcome to support our activities in keeping trade union education vibrant. Visit our my donate page: www.mydonate. bt.com/charities/gftueducationaltrust. Our hotel generates income for the Trust as does our ethical shop and as will our new publishing imprint, Workable Books. Ethical Shop
Customised Courses
Each GFTU affiliate is entitled to one day of free training according to its own requirements. Please contact the GFTU General Secretary to arrange.
through their own union training programmes. Our History, Our Future is a perfect way of filling some of these gaps. This performance piece is ideal for use in trade union training events, and in the wider community. It is accompanied by a popular education workshop that uses the exciting and moving material presented to stimulate debate about then, now, and what is to come.
Managing Your Education
The GFTU can take on under a service level agreement the management of all of your union’s education programme.
A new account of the power of workers’ history to strengthen us today. The GFTU has commissioned a new 75-minute performance piece from Banner Theatre, with video clips, songs and stories to bring alive the full sweep of our trade union history in a powerful and impactful way. Trade union history is not taught in schools, and labour history is a minority strand in universities’
New Internationalist Quorn Grange Hotel Affiliated unions
The Ethical Shop works closely with our wonderful ethical, eco-friendly and fairtrade suppliers. Visit our website: https://ethicalshop.org
curriculum. Few workers get to know of the great transforming history of our Movement
www.gftu.org.uk @GFTU1 GFTU ET
51 ‘I never knew unions had done so much for so long and so changed the world. I am proud to be part of this Movement.’ Delegate, Young Members’ Union Festival
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