EC Meeting Papers January 2019
Title deed and ownership
EC members will recall that our conveyancing solicitors and land registry incorrectly attributed the ownership of the site to the Education Trust when it should have been to two custodian trustees, myself and John Smith. A deed of amendment to alter this was produced following the decision of the Trustees in November 2017. This has now been signed by all Trustees and forwarded to our conveyancing solicitors to achieve and amendment. The next step in this work, following the completion of the new build will be to sign license agreements between the hotel and GFTU and the Education Trust for occupancy of the site. It has been agreed that we will market the properties with Strawberry estate agents and will manage the tenancies through an internal promotion for the reception manager Cecile. Marketing will cost £3,000 for all properties. The salary increase for managing the tenancies will be £3,000. On the rental levels that Strawberry think achievable this will achieve a higher than expect net surplus to be paid directly into the Education Trust of £100,000 per annum. Both estate agents describe the local rental market as extremely buoyant with hundreds of potential renters on both of their lists. 5 Housing. Meetings with two estate agents have been held to consider managing the new rental properties.
As a result of building delays we could only have the Hotel for the BGCM if half the delegates were accommodated at another hotel
The President, Vice President and myself do not think this right for our 100 th year.
The first 1899 BGCM of the GFTU was in London. We have therefore produced a specification for a conference and accommodation finding company Crème Conferences to search a London venue. I have asked a colleague in John McDonnell’s office to provisionally book a large room in Parliament for a big Parliamentary reception on May 20 th . At this we could launch our new graphic novel on the history of the Labour Movement and other projects, we could make it a big event and draw attention to our work more widely.
I therefore propose, subject to suitable venue finding and budgets, we hold the BGCM in London.
The President, Vice President and myself commend the scoping exercise by Paul Skitt to you to enable him to commence work to attract sustainable funding for our education work without compromise to the curriculum. Paul’s scoping paper is attached.
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