EC Meeting Papers January 2019
Trade Union Official Apprenticeship.
I attach the papers to show how well advanced we are on establishing the Trade Union Official’s Apprenticeship. We aim to launch in January 2020.
I attach for information an exploratory and very exciting idea from Alison Stoecker in John McDonnell’s Office relating to political education and apprenticeships. I have referred Alison to Paul Skitt to consider this.
Shout Out
I attach the interim report from Matteo on the Shout Out project we are sponsoring in schools. A full report will be given at the BGCM as agreed. Schools are pleased, it is going well.
I attach a concept paper for a political education, cultural type festival which is under discussion with John McDonnell’s Office with a view to some significant sponsorship.
The World Transformed Funding request.
I attach a funding request from the World Transformed, for information and initial consideration at this stage without expecting a decision at this meeting. The World Transformed are very interested in our paper on Political Education.
Please could all EC members ensure that their affiliations are paid by the end of this month or voting rights at the BGCM are in jeopardy.
The following unions have paid their affiliation fees.
I held very constructive meetings with the Pharmacists
The IWGB has spoken to a number of colleagues from the GFTU and would like to meet.
Pensions Scheme
A very constructive meeting of all Trustees along with our lawyer and actuaries was held. We have considered all of the preliminary issues pre triennial valuation, consider some adjustments to the investment portfolio and changed some factors. The EC needs to clarify the question of the future pension arrangements of any General Secretary as we are vulnerable. See paper attached.
As requested by the last EC a paper rules is attached. See General Secretary and Treasurer attached.
I believe that it would be acceptable to the affiliates that given the timing of the EC meeting, that this rule change be submitted one day late.
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